Results for 'Aaron Ross Powell'

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  1. The humble case for liberty.Aaron Ross Powell - 2013 - In Tom G. Palmer, Why liberty: your life, your choices, your future. Ottawa, Illinois: Jameson Books.
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    Barriers to Dispute Resolution.Byron Bland, Brenna Powell & Lee Ross - 2012 - In Ryan Goodman, Derek Jinks & Andrew K. Woods, Understanding Social Action, Promoting Human Rights. Oup Usa. pp. 265.
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    The Supreme Court's Latest Ruling on Drug Liability and its Implications for Future Failure-to-Warn Litigation.Christopher J. Morten, Aaron S. Kesselheim & Joseph S. Ross - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (4):783-787.
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  4. Religion Literature and the Arts.Raymond Aaron Younis, Michael Griffith, James Tulip, Ross Keating & Elaine Lindsay (eds.) - 1996 - Sydney: RLA.
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    Reckoning with Ross.Aaron Martin - 2004 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 78:193-208.
    In this paper, I discuss St. Thomas’s explanation of how God knows the possibles—things He could create but never does create. Thomas’s full explanationincludes a discussion of the nature of possibility, the reality of the possibles, and whether there are divine ideas of the possibles. In this paper, I critique someof James Ross’s positions as he best represents the self-proclaimed “voluntarist” school. I believe that Ross gives Thomas’s texts an incomplete reading on this issue and I seek to (...)
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    Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution Programmes and the Ethics of Task Shifting.Daniel Z. Buchman, Aaron M. Orkin, Carol Strike & Ross E. G. Upshur - 2018 - Public Health Ethics 11 (2):151-164.
    North America is in the grips of an epidemic of opioid-related poisonings. Overdose education and naloxone distribution programmes emerged as an option for structurally vulnerable populations who could not or would not access mainstream emergency medical services in the event of an overdose. These task shifting programmes utilize lay persons to deliver opioid resuscitation in the context of longstanding stigmatization and marginalization from mainstream healthcare services. OEND programmes exist at the intersection of harm reduction and emergency services. One goal of (...)
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  7. Aaron Ben-Ze'ev, The Perceptual System: A Philosophical and Psychological Perspective Reviewed by.Ross Cogan - 1994 - Philosophy in Review 14 (5):308-310.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]E. Wayne Ross, Carole B. Shmurak, Rebecca Powell, Jacob L. Susskind, Linda B. Biemer & J. Preston Prather - 1994 - Educational Studies 25 (4):311-334.
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  9. Fair Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources in the Time of Covid-19.Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Govind Persad, Ross Upshur, Beatriz Thome, Michael Parker, Aaron Glickman, Cathy Zhang & Connor Boyle - 2020 - New England Journal of Medicine 45:10.1056/NEJMsb2005114.
    Four ethical values — maximizing benefits, treating equally, promoting and rewarding instrumental value, and giving priority to the worst off — yield six specific recommendations for allocating medical resources in the Covid-19 pandemic: maximize benefits; prioritize health workers; do not allocate on a first-come, first-served basis; be responsive to evidence; recognize research participation; and apply the same principles to all Covid-19 and non–Covid-19 patients.
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    Response to “Intrafamilial Organ Donation Is Often an Altruistic Act” by Aaron Spital and “Donor Benefit Is the Key to Justified Living Organ Donation,” by Aaron Spital : Reply to Glannon and Ross[REVIEW]Aaron Spital - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (2):195-198.
    According to Glannon and Ross, for an act to be considered altruistic, it cannot be obligatory nor motivated by expectation of self-reward. Given that parents are obligated to help their children and stand to benefit greatly from donating, the authors conclude that parent to child organ donation is not altruistic. Are they correct? I am not sure. In my view, this is a semantic question and the answer depends upon how one defines altruism. Altruism is a complex subject that (...)
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    Blueprint for Transparency at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Recommendations to Advance the Development of Safe and Effective Medical Products.Joshua M. Sharfstein, James Dabney Miller, Anna L. Davis, Joseph S. Ross, Margaret E. McCarthy, Brian Smith, Anam Chaudhry, G. Caleb Alexander & Aaron S. Kesselheim - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (s2):7-23.
    BackgroundThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration traditionally has kept confidential significant amounts of information relevant to the approval or non-approval of specific drugs, devices, and biologics and about the regulatory status of such medical products in FDA’s pipeline.ObjectiveTo develop practical recommendations for FDA to improve its transparency to the public that FDA could implement by rulemaking or other regulatory processes without further congressional authorization. These recommendations would build on the work of FDA’s Transparency Task Force in 2010.MethodsIn 2016-2017, we convened (...)
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    Tamar Ross: Constructing Faith.Hava Tirosh-Samuelson & Aaron W. Hughes (eds.) - 2016 - Boston: Brill.
    Tamar Ross, Professor of Jewish Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University, is a constructive theologian who has made original and important contributions to feminist Orthodoxy.
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    God and the Other: Ethics and Politics after the Theological Turn. By J. Aaron Simmons. Pp. xii, 376, Bloomington, Indiana University Press., 2011, $30.00. [REVIEW]Matthew Powell - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (2):337-338.
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    Exile and Fragmentation.Kieran Aarons - 2023 - Philosophy Today 67 (2):395-404.
    In dialogue with Kristin Ross and Fred Moten, as well as recent theorizations of destituent power, this article aims to trace the practical logic that governs place-based politics in our anarchic epoch, including the construction of collective formations that defend them.
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  15. On Some Alleged Truthmakers for Negatives.Aaron M. Griffith - 2012 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 1 (4):301-308.
    This article considers three recent attempts by David Armstrong, Ross Cameron, and Jonathan Schaffer to provide truthmakers for negative existential truths. It is argued that none of the proposed truthmakers are up to the task of making any negative existential truth true and, it will turn out, for the same reason.
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  16. The Garden as Art: A new Space for the Garden in Contemporary Aesthetics.John Francis Powell - 2017 - Dissertation,
    Western art gardens have enjoyed a chequered relationship with philosophical aesthetics. At different times, they have been both lauded and rejected as exemplars of art, and, for most of the last 150 or so years, they have been largely ignored. However, during the last 25 years, there has been a welcome resurgence of philosophical interest in such gardens. This study situates the work stemming from this revival of interest in its historical context and assesses its adequacy in accounting for gardens (...)
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    Best Interest of the Child: Surrogate Decision Making and the Economics of Externalities. [REVIEW]Joseph P. DeMarco, Douglas P. Powell & Douglas O. Stewart - 2011 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 8 (3):289-298.
    The case of Twin B involves the decision to send a newborn to a less intensive Level 2 special care nursery (SCN) than to the Level 3 neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) that is considered optimal by the physician. The physician’s acceptance of the transfer is against the child’s best interest and is due to parental convenience. In analyzing the case, we reject the best interest standard. Our rejection is partly supported by the views of Douglas Diekema, John Hardwig, and (...)
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    Intrafamilial Organ Donation Is Often an Altruistic Act.Aaron Spital - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12 (1):116-118.
    In their recent article, Glannon and Ross remind us that family members have obligations to help each other that strangers do not have. They argue, I believe correctly, that what creates moral obligations within families is not genetic relationship but rather a sharing of intimacy. For no one are these obligations stronger than they are for parents of young children. This observation leads the authors to the logical conclusion that organ donation by a parent to her child is not (...)
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    God and the Other: Ethics and Politics After the Theological Turn. By J. Aaron Simmons. Pp. xii, 376, Bloomington, Ind., 2011, $30.00. [REVIEW]Matthew Powell - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (4):709-710.
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    Response to “Intrafamilial Organ Donation Is Often an Altruistic Act” by Aaron Spital and “Donor Benefit Is the Key to Justified Living Organ Donation,” by Aaron Spital : Motivation, Risk, and Benefit in Living Organ Donation: A Reply to Aaron Spital. [REVIEW]Walter Glannon & Lainie Friedman Ross - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (2):191-194.
    In a recent article in this journal, we argued that living organ donation from a parent to a child should be described as a beneficent rather than an altruistic act. Emotional relationships can generate an obligation of beneficence to help those with whom we have these relationships. This may involve an obligation for a parent to donate an organ to a child, even though it entails some risk to the parent. The parent's donation is not altruistic because altruistic acts are (...)
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  21. Nochmals zu Herodot 2, 8, 3.J. Enoch Powell - 1936 - Hermes 71 (4):475-476.
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  22. Nostratic.Aaron Dolgopolsky - 1993 - In R. E. Asher & J. M. Y. Simpson, The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Pergamon. pp. 5.
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  23. Mission of man.Aaron Hillel Katz - 1970 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
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    A catalogue of Berkeley's library.R. I. Aaron - 1932 - Mind 41 (164):465-475.
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  25. Re-Imagining US Literature and the Left.Daniel Aaron’S. - 2003 - Historical Materialism 11 (4):395-404.
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    The historical, the hysterical and the homoeopathic.Michele Aaron - 1996 - Paragraph 19 (2):114-126.
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  27. Forms of Life and Radical Translation in the Social Sciences.Aaron Szymkowiak - 1991
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    Ruling out solutions to Prior’s dilemma for Hume’s law.Aaron Wolf - 2020 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):84-93.
    Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    The Procreation Asymmetry Destabilized: Analogs and Acting for People's Sake.Jonas H. Aaron - 2022 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 60 (3):326-352.
    Is there a pro tanto moral reason to create a life merely because it would be good for the person living it? Proponents of the procreation asymmetry claim there is not. Defending this controversial no reason claim, some have suggested that it is well in line with other phenomena in the moral realm: there is no reason to give a promise merely because one would keep it, and there is no reason to procreate merely to increase the extent of justice (...)
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    Vessel of Honor: The Virgin Birth and the Ecclesiology of Vatican II by Brian A. Graebe (review).S. J. Aaron Pidel - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (3):1106-1110.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Vessel of Honor: The Virgin Birth and the Ecclesiology of Vatican II by Brian A. GraebeAaron Pidel S.J.Vessel of Honor: The Virgin Birth and the Ecclesiology of Vatican II. By Brian A. Graebe (Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Academic, 2021), 351 pp.Though Mary's undiminished virginity in giving birth (virginitas in partu) was long understood to be an event as miraculous and a teaching as authoritative as her virginity in conceiving (...)
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  31. Chapter 12. Lucy Hutchinson.Sarah C. E. Ross - 2023 - In Marnie Hughes-Warrington & Daniel Woolf, History from loss: a global introduction to histories written from defeat, colonization, exile and imprisonment. New York: Routledge.
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  32. Marx and History: From Primitive Society to the Communist Future.Ross Gandy & William Shaw - 1981 - Science and Society 45 (1):109-111.
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    Market feedback replaces regulation: Adaptation in the electric power industry.Ross Little & Bruce Sawhill - 1998 - Complexity 3 (4):46-50.
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    Introduction: The Peter Kivy Prize Symposium.Aaron Meskin - forthcoming - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.
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    The aesthetics of comics.Aaron Meskin - 2001 - British Journal of Aesthetics 41 (4):446-449.
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    How acts of discovery transform our tacit knowing powers in both scientific and religious inquiry.Aaron Milavec - 2006 - Zygon 41 (2):465-486.
    Abstract. In this essay I take Michael Polanyi's analysis of scientific discovery and extend it to encompass fresh encounters with the living God. Given the embodied character of all human knowing, Polanyi challenged objectivism and positivism as untenable. In its place, Polanyi noted that the tacit skills established when a physicist learns to detect radio waves has its counterpart in a Christian's being trained to find God. Once trained, stubborn organismic habits constrain both physicist and believer within a socially approved (...)
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    Critical notices.R. I. Aaron - 1930 - Mind 39 (156):86-92.
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  38. Chapter Three Technology and Journalism in the Market: Exposing Press Corruption by Comparison.Aaron Quinn - 2007 - In Soraj Hongladarom, Computing and Philosophy in Asia. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 31.
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  39. Stephen Bavolek.Aaron Bradbury - 2022 - In Aaron Bradbury & Ruth Swailes, Early childhood theories today. Thousand Oaks, California: Learning Matters.
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    From an Urn Already Crumbled to Dust.Matthew T. Powell - 2006 - Renascence 58 (4):269-287.
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    Health Law and Bigotry Distractions.Daniel G. Aaron & Leslie P. Francis - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (2):350-363.
    Bigotry distractions are strategic invocations of racism, transphobia, or negative stigma toward other marginalized groups to shape political discourse. Although the vast majority of Americans agree on large policy issues ranging from reducing air pollution to prosecuting corporate crime, bigotry distractions divert attention from areas of agreement toward divisive identity issues. This article explores how the nefarious targeting of identity groups through bigotry distractions may be the tallest barrier to health reform, and social change more broadly. The discussion extends the (...)
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    Collingwood: The Great Philosophers.Aaron Ridley - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    F.H. Bradley.Aaron Ridley - 1995 - Bradley Studies 1 (2):107-115.
    The speed with which Bradley became an historical backwater has probably made it easier to think of him as a second-rate philosopher, who was either incompetent or careless, or at any rate uninteresting, and to suppose that his arguments have been refuted as well as rejected. But as far as his metaphysics are concerned this is not the case. His project and his premises are not those of contemporary analytic philosophy, but his arguments are none the less rigorous for that; (...)
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  44. Persona sometimes grata : on the appreciation of expressive music.Aaron Ridley - 2007 - In Kathleen Stock, Philosophers on Music: Experience, Meaning, and Work. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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  45. Individualization and social dis/integration in "postmodernity" : a comparative note on Zygmunt Bauman and Norbert Elias.John Flint & Ryan Powell - 2013 - In François Dépelteau & Tatiana Savoia Landini, Norbert Elias and social theory. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Our knowledge of universals.Richard Ithamar Aaron - 1947 - New York: Haskell House Publishers.
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    Remediation of Anomia in lvPPA and svPPA.Meyer Aaron, Newhart Melissa, Turner R. Scott & Friedman Rhonda - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  48. What is Global Health?Ross Upshur - 2011 - In Solomon Benatar & Gillian Brock, Global Health and Global Health Ethics. Cambridge University Press.
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    Field Notes.Ross White - 2011 - Hastings Center Report 41 (4):i-i.
    Oh, the places I’ve been: A valediction. In August 2009, when I joined The Hastings Center as a research assistant, I was an ambitious recent graduate of Davidson College with a thirst to learn more about bioethics and its role in the policy-making process. Nearly two years later, as I approach my last day at The Hastings Center, I am reminded of my first day, one that alone might make aspiring bioethicists envious. At the conclusion of lunch, Dan Callahan, the (...)
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    Provider‐perceived barriers and facilitators for ischaemic heart disease (IHD) guideline adherence.Gail M. Powell-Cope, Stephen Luther, Britta Neugaard, John Vara & Audrey Nelson - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (2):227-239.
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